Building the World's Greatest Schools

The World's Greatest Schools Are Designed To Create an

Environment Where  Everyone is Challenged to Explore Their Unique Greatness! 

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Fundamentals Of A World's Greatest School

The World's Greatest Schools Fundamentals are essential to the development of a school community that is driven by shared Values and Beliefs. These Values and Beliefs must be stated in a clear, concise, and a simplified wording that is agreed upon and understood by all stakeholders.  

Learn about the Fundamentals of A World's Greatest School

Our Services

We provide Consulting, Coaching, Professional Development Workshops, Student Leadership Workshops, and Keynotes. All geared for GREATNESS!

What Is It We Do?

The Greatness InsideOUT team will ASSESS,Ā CLARIFY, andĀ ALIGN yourĀ beliefs & values to increase student and staff engagement and connections. If you are willing to focus on RELATIONSHIPS, CONNECTIONS, BELIEFS, VALUES, then we can help you Build A World's Greatest School!


How Would You Answer These Questions? 

How would your students and staff answer these questions?

Our ultimate goal is to assist you and your team develop clear and concise school-wide BELIEFS and VALUES that students and staffulty truly understand the meaning.   Once your team has simplified the message, we start to integrate it and bring it alive in your words and actions. We implement your messages into everything you do from instruction to your policies.  What is it  you are doing to connect your students and staff to your school?  Our team is prepared to help you with the process of getting your students and staffulty to the true essence of why you do what you do and then being able to communicate in an original and authentic format!

Shared Values & Beliefs Drives Everything You Do!

Our team is trained to assist your staffulty and students in clarifying "WHAT IT IS YOU DO!" They develop it!  They Own it!  We provide successful strategies to implement your words and actions into everything that you do within your school community. We help you to make sure your messages are aligned into actions that can be seen within your LEARNING, CULTURE, and POLICIES & PRACTICES. At this point, your beliefs and values will be aligned and your entire school community can say, "We are what we believe, what we believe UNIFIES US!"

The Greatness InsideOUT Team starts with 3 questions:

How would you answer these questions? The answers help to formulate a strategic plan to address the unique needs of each school. This is the first step in our assessment of a school's culture. 

Implementation Process

There are 3 steps to transforming your school culture. We will ASSESS, CLARIFY YOUR BELIEFS & VALUES, and then ALIGN them with your Learning, Culture, and Policies & Practices. Through this process we will address the various needs to increase student and staff success. In California schools, we can show you how we support your LCAP and impact your Dashboard. We will make a difference in your student success & staff engagement!

Download Implementation Process

Greatness InsideOUT Team

All schools have great things happening daily!  Our implementation process takes the GREATNESS that is INSIDE each school and brings it OUT.  We are ready to transform your school into the World's Greatest and impact students' and staff members' lives. Our focus is not on testing but on building a culture of greatness that connects everyone.  Let's Explore Your Greatness!

Contact Our Team

Student Leader Training, Workshops, Conference Keynotes

School Culture just doesn't happen -- it is TAUGHT.  Your student leaders must be empowered to bring the World's Greatest School Culture to the school community.  We understand that students MUST be involved in the transformation of the World's Greatest Schools process.  It is essential that student leaders understand the 6 values and the significant roles they play in this transformational process.  

Learn more about World's Greatest Student Leader Training

World's Greatest Values

The World's Greatest values are the six values held by a school seeking to become the World's Greatest School.  These values are the personal tenets or beliefs that are laid out in a simplified manner so students and staffulty can choose to live out these values each day.

We know the schools are consistently asked to change and implement the current "thing."  We believe that if you lay the foundation with these six values, you can stay true to "Who your are and what you do"  no matter what strategy or intervention comes your way.  The intent of these values is to bring a simplified, clear, and  concise belief system that everyone can operate and utilize in their daily actions, choices, decisions, policies, procedure, learning, spending, and messaging.  

Imagine what would happen at your school if everyone understood and communicated the same beliefs and values?  

"If you don't teach the culture the kids will!"



Over the past 40 years, Park has been living his passion by helping schools “create cultures of significance where everyone matters!” He believes schools need to create a special place for students and staffulty to thrive. Park’s rich experience as a public school educator for 25 years and educational consultant for nearly two decades has allowed him to change lives and impact futures in over 2000 schools.
Park’s work of building the “World’s Greatest Schools” addresses the need to create a magical place that is built upon relationships and connections. If people are not connected to a place, why would they want to go there every day? Park models that the underlying key to success in any school is in bringing clarity to a its beliefs and values, weaving these into learning, culture, policies, and procedures.
The Six “World’s Greatest Values” are the foundation upon which Park transforms school cultures. It starts with the first value, “We are what we believe and what we believe unifies us.” Park says, “If you are going to build a school, why not build the World’s Greatest?”

World's Greatest Schools Books


Building the World’s Greatest High School isn’t about a new program for your school. It’s about a way of being that will unalterably change lives and impact futures of you, your students, your colleagues, and your community. These books are a MUST have resource for getting your students & staff prepared to "Build A Culture of Significance Where Everyone Matters!"


Ordering Information

Check out our World's Greatest Schools Conference video below.

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Building The World's Greatest Schools

Creating A Culture Of Significance Where Everyone Matters!

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The Greatness InsideOUT Team is ready to assist you in transforming your school into the Worldā€™s Greatest! We would love to share with you our transformational process guaranteed to "Change Lives & Impact Kids' Futures!"

What Makes Your School A Special Place?


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